February 26, 2009

Train Ride

There is a guy that runs this cute train at a local shopping center.  Hunter has been once before with Dedi (they rode it 4 times because Hunter couldn't get enough and still left having a meltdown).  It was Tuesday and rides were only $1 per person (normally $3) so I promised Hunter we would go.  During the ride I warned him that we were only riding one time and then going to Grandma's house. Apparently that was good enough because we left without a meltdown.  Maybe he's just maturing a little :o)

Here's a little video while riding the train

February 25, 2009

Before you know it he'll be mowing the grass!

Daddy and Hunter washed my car Sunday evening.  Hunter was a great helper.  He loved the big brush and spraying the water the best.  

February 21, 2009

It's a growin'!

I'm two days shy of 13 weeks.  Even though the last 6 weeks have been pretty miserable I'm still shocked that I'm 13 weeks already.  I'm feeling A LOT better most days so they're going by a little faster now.  For a while there I thought 12 weeks would never get here and now it's about gone.  I set up my fancy new backdrop stand and took some pictures.  Well, Heath helped with the taking of the pictures.  I'm pretty pleased with them.

We get to see the baby on Tuesday!  Chances are pretty slim that we'll find out the sex, but if it's a boy there's a chance a little something might be seen, if you know what I mean.  We'll see!

February 19, 2009


I've been bogged down with a cold all week.  I'm on the mend and I've got some energy back! We've been spending some time outside between cold snaps so here are some pictures over the last week or two.

Hunter got some cool Cars shoes.

He's enjoying the tee ball set he got for his birthday.  Love the tongue!

We have a street full of little boys!  Here is Hunter with some of the neighborhood boys.  How many boys can you get in one wagon?
We met some friends at the park last week and the kids had a little picnic.

February 12, 2009

Coming Soon...... More Blog Material!

We're having a baby!  I've kept it a little quiet because we have gone through a miscarriage before, but we're in the clear and ready to tell the world!  The blog has suffered due to morning (ALL DAY) sickness, but that is getting much better as I near the end of the first trimester.  I'm ready to start taking pictures again and pay a little more attention to this blog.

Hunter really has no clue that a baby is coming.  When we point to my belly and tell him there is a baby inside he thinks my belly button is a baby and that he has one, too.  Not sure what he'll think as it starts getting bigger and bigger.

We will find out the sex, but that will most likely be in April so stay tuned!  I'm not afraid to show belly pics so here's the first one!

My 10 week bump

A little video to make you smile today

February 11, 2009


**Just added a video at the bottom of this post**

We went to Gatorland this past Saturday.  They're offering a discount for FL residents so it wasn't bad... and Hunter is free.  I've never been so had no idea what to expect, but it wasn't bad.  We had a good time overall.

The big gator mouth at the entrance.  Hunter look so tiny in comparison.
They have a tiny petting zoo so Hunter got to feed a goat.
He pronounces alligator as ah-gee.  He must have said it a couple hundred times that day.  AH-GEE!  Big Ah-geee!  Baby Ah-gee!
This one isn't real ;o)

A couple of video clips

February 5, 2009

Home is where your story begins.

I've been wanting a sign to put above the french doors.  I thought this font was neat. It's the Will & Grace font.  I chose this phrase because this wall is slowly becoming a picture wall.  I plan to add more pictures over time. Heath made it, of course!

Here's a wider view with the pictures on the wall