June 30, 2010

10 months

This girl is growing up way too fast! She turned 10 months over the weekend. I can't believe she'll be ONE so soon. She's the sweetest little thing and quite an easy baby. She's getting into things now and I can't tell her 'NO' without smiling. She's just so darn cute!

She's still army crawling and getting faster and faster at it. It's so funny to watch. She can get up on her hands and knees, but she knows her way is fastest. She's pulled herself up to standing once, but since she doesn't use her knees much she hasn't really figured that all out. Her two bottom teeth have broken through. She's hasn't done much teething which is such a blessing! She's quite the eater. Baby food was short lived. She eats all table food and feeds herself. There isn't much she doesn't like so far! Thank God I don't have to deal with TWO picky eaters. (But for the record, Hunter has gotten quite a bit better in the last few months.) She loves the pool. We skipped swim lessons for her this year, but we'll do them in April for sure. She's a great shopper so far. She loves to just sit in the shopping cart and watch people and look at things.

The closest you'll get to seeing those teeth
He's a camera hog these days
We broke out a new toy that she got for Christmas. I think Hunter likes it just as much, ha!

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