September 21, 2010

Happy Birthday to My Boys!

We're finally home and getting back into a routine.  I have a looooong list of things to do this week and I'll eventually get around to sharing pictures of our cruise, but you might just have to be patient.  We got back Sunday which was Heath's birthday and the following day was Hunter's birthday.  We drove a couple hours to where the kids were after we got off the ship.  We had some cake and sang to the birthday boys.  Monday we drove home and Hunter got to eat pizza and play games at Chuck E Cheese, something he's been asking for forever.  Today they celebrated his birthday at school.  This weekend he'll have a bowling party with a few of his little friends.  I guess it's a birthday WEEK for him!

Hunter's 4th birthday and Daddy's 34th birthday



The Bonjour Four said...

happy birthday to your boys!! i can't wait to hear about your cruise and see pics!

Robyn THE Mama Lion said...

We can't wait to celebrate with Hunter :)