December 30, 2010

Embrace the Camera: December 30

Daddy's turn this week.  Hunter loves to be tickled, thrown, flipped, hung upside down, you name it.  Daddy is clearly more fun than Mommy :o)

We're home from the grandparents.  Glad to be home.  Peyton was miserable with a cold all week and didn't sleep well there.  Last night was much better in her own bed.  Now it's time to get the house back in order, grocery shop, and get back into a routine.





emily anderson said...

what's up with daddies being more fun than mommies?
don't those children know we birthed them?

love the pictures!

Kristine@thefoleyfam said...

Very fun pictures!! Maggie's still too young for the Daddy's are cooler thing ;) But I feel the same way with my nieces and nephews... Uncle Nate is SO much funner ;)