April 18, 2011

Torture Lessons

It's Peyton's turn for swim lessons.  We choose to do the Safe Start program which is basically survival lessons.  They learn to swim to the wall and float when there is no wall or person to grab.  We go everyday for a 10 minute lesson for about 5 or 6 weeks.  At the end she will be able to do all her skills fully clothed.

These lessons are not for everyone.  Most kids, especially the younger ones, cry through the whole lesson.  Hunter was probably one of the worst.  He'd actually start crying when I'd put his bathing suit on at home.  Here's evidence from when he did lessons at this age.  Peyton's not nearly that dramaic...yet.  The crying personally doesn't bother me at all, but I know it bothers a lot of people.  

Here she is on the first day.  She had no clue what was about to happen.
She has no idea what she's in for.

The kid crying in the pool might have given her a clue.

By Day 5 she had learned to hold her breath, find the wall, and hang on.



WARNING: Crying baby in this video.

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