October 10, 2011

Phone Dump

Sometimes my phone is the only accessible camera when the kids are doing something cute.  I'm thankful for that.

Peyton got a new bike at a garage sale recently.  It's the cutest thing.  And was a total steal.
pink tricycle

I don't even know what was going on here, but they were hanging out underneath my clothes while laying on dirty ones.
hanging out in my closet? Ok.

Hunter loves caterpillars and Peyton is so entertained by them.
caterpillar entertainment

Scored these boots at a sale.  Pretty sure we'll have to do a photo shoot with them.
Pink Boots!

And this.  She's always done this.  When she learned to crawl this is what she would do to get back to a sitting position.  I thought that flexibility would go away, but it hasn't.  She's got to be double jointed in her hips.  She'll be the perfect little gymnast :)
definitely built for gymnastics

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