Christmas was a whirlwind of a day. We had 11 over for presents and breakfast and 6 for dinner. I feel like all we did was cook and clean-up all day! Hunter enjoyed tearing the paper on the presents no matter whose they were.
I was really terrible about taking pictures, but here are a few.
December 27, 2007
December 22, 2007
1 Year Pictures (a little late)
I'm finally getting around to posting these. I'm not sure what took me so long.
December 21, 2007
Outdoors Kind Of Guy
I can't tell you how much Hunter LOVES to be outside. Putting shoes on equals time to go outside in his mind. He runs straight to the laundry room door once his shoes have been put on (and sometimes when his shoes haven't been put on, but he's trying to tell me he wants to go outside). Now, in mommy's mind it doesn't always go that way. We've had a few meltdowns because mommy doesn't want to spend her entire day outside. We're working on that. Hunter never goes far. He walks up and down our driveway, down the sidewalk as far as the next driveway, and up to the neighbors' front door. He loves to walk through the grass, too, but if he falls he doesn't like to put his hands in the grass to get back up so he yells until I come help him. He knows not to go past the sidewalk line and will stop if I say "STOP".
"My yard, my rules!". And check out the adorable Crocs. We're a Crocs family.
Not A Fan
December 17, 2007
Not A Baby Anymore :o(
So, Hunter got a haircut just a month ago and I pretty much chickened out on really cutting it that time. He still looked like the same kid. It didn't take long for it to grow toward the bottom of his ears again and people started calling him a girl again. Daddy said it was time for a 'real' haircut. So, I took him this morning. He had his first DumDum lollipop and was happy as a clam. The lady pulled out the electric trimmer and inches and inches of hair started falling to the ground. I was really trying not to flip out. It's taking some getting used to. It looks cute, but I'm just mourning the loss of my baby boy. We went into the grocery store afterwards and this lady behind us in line said, "He has so much hair!" and complimented on how cute he is. She made my day.

December 14, 2007
IKEA here we come!
On a whim this morning I asked my friend Megan if she'd like to go check out the new IKEA. She picked us up and off we went with both kids. This is Florida's first IKEA store. For those that don't know it's a gigantic housewares store. They have everything! I've heard a lot about it from friends that live further north. They typically spend a day going to IKEA since it can be a bit of a drive to get to one. Luckily, ours is 20 minutes away. We were more curious than anything and really weren't looking for anything special. We strolled through both floors and we were quite impressed with how inexpensive everything was. They have tons of things to help you organize. They even had a restaurant in the store so we stopped for lunch and then headed back home.
Here are the boys having a big time in the back seat.
(Click on it to see the video)
If you can't get it to play, go here
And this was the scene on the way home.... crashed.
December 13, 2007
December 9, 2007
Hunter's First Trip to Magic Kingdom
My friend, Jennifer was so nice to invite Megan and I and our boys to Magic Kingdom for the day this past Monday since she can get people in at no charge. We excitedly took her up on the offer! We arrived right when it opened at 9am and were able to get right on Peter Pan and It's A Small World. We waited a bit for the Flying Dumbos, we rode the train all around the park, cooled off on the People Mover, and let them run around the playground area. The kids were so good all day. Megan and I made it back to the car at 3pm. Hunter had just fallen asleep in the stroller and Zach was out within 4 minutes in the car. Our success ended there. Hunter woke up the minute we hit the driveway and wouldn't go back to sleep. Zach woke up the minute Megan hit her driveway and did the same. No rest for the tired mommies!
Here are the kiddos ready to hit the park!
December 5, 2007
Some shots from our photo shoot
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