July 6, 2012

Blueberry Picking

Before I get to the pictures, I've made a decision to not stress out over editing personal pictures that I use mostly on this blog.  As a photographer I usually want my pictures to be perfect so I edit each one.  But I've decided that it really doesn't matter.  I'm capturing memories and that's what matters.  There are some things that you just have to let go of.  I'm finally learning this at thirty something years old.  Having my house always clean was the last hurdle I jumped.  I had to let that go.  Now, we have a 'lived in' house, not a perfectly clean one. So from now on my pictures will get very minimal editing.  It was cause me less stress and help me to blog sooner.  Ah, I feel better already.

So, these pictures are from about a month ago when we were visiting my parents.  Peyton and I met my mom to pick blueberries.  It's very competitive.  She gets there at 7am on the weekends!  My mom loves blueberries and eats a cup full in her oatmeal every single day.  This season she picked 68 POUNDS!





Blueberries-1 Blueberries-7




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